Tanner Byers

Building an AI based Email HTML/CSS Generator SaaS


Follow my thought process while building my first AI based SaaS.
I'll be building a custom email html template generator!

Start with a Problem

Creating & modifying email templates requires coding knowledge as well as up to date specialized knowledge (html, css, email client limitations, responsive & accessible design).

My Pitch

Generate good email templates within seconds using Bassoon AI.

Requirements for MVP

  1. Support Chat with AI Agent
  2. Supports HTML, CSS, & Handlebars generation and follows email responsive best practices
  3. Supports live preview in same page

Features after first customer (if we get there)

  1. Support live editing
  2. Support customized assets (logos, company names, company products/features, company events, company socials)
  3. Support section based commands like "Update 'left footer' section with our social links"
  4. Revert last command
  5. Change Tracking

Let's get building

Normally I would jump straight to building the mvp because that's the most fun thing to do. However my previous experience building SaaS (thanks payfortime.io) tells me I should validate my market before spending hours building a lame product no one may wants.

The quickest way to do this is a landing page w/ waitlist sign up page.

I like static site generators for this (I used hugo) since they're (usually) FREE, open source, and have lots of really nice templates with common web app patterns (landing page, blog, contact form, comments, analytics, themes) all set up for you.

I'm going to use hugoplate

We've got our template, lets get it deployed and then we can customize it.
I'll be using netlify just because it's free and I don't want to write code for deployment on a side project.

Easy setup, just import and run with default configurations found in template.

NOTE: If this marketing site get's over 2k visitors a month, I'll make a github action to build the project and put it on a cdn (static site generators are awesome.) to reduce cost and latency.

Let's get configuring

Alright we've got our template, let's configure the base services. here's the ones I use:

Let's write some landing page sales copy

Now we use some creativity (and AI) to rewrite the placeholder landing page content with new text!

We can give a prompt like so and update the template content by reusing our requirements and success criteria



Adding Attribution page

Have to shout out the awesome work done by these folks who made this website so easy to look good.

template: https://github.com/zeon-studio/hugoplate
illustrations: https://storyset.com/email

Now we use the AI to make the AI

We'll use chatgpt to create basic project for mvp purposes. I provide the stack and it provides the commands & code.

Chat gpt prompt

You are a professional web developer.
Your design philosophy prioritizes simplicity,
using minimal technologies such as HTML and client-side JavaScript,
 with backend services only when necessary.

Build a demo page for an AI-based email template generator with the following features:

Chat with AI Agent: Users can chat with an AI agent,
which responds to their queries.
Code Editor: 
The AI agent updates a read-only code editor with 
HTML and CSS based on user interactions.
The editor shows email template code.
Live Preview:
Display a real-time preview of the email template
reflecting the HTML/CSS updates from the code editor.
This is for demo purposes only,
so the code editor should remain read-only.
Feel free to ask any clarifying questions before starting.

Modify MVP as needed to get working example.

Let's dive into metrics/analytics

Key Metrics I'll Be Tracking

To validate demand and gauge whether I’m on the right track, I'll closely monitor these metrics. They’ll inform whether to proceed with development or pivot the approach if needed.

Metric Description Formula
Visitors Total landing page visitors Sum(Visitors)
Conversion Rate % of visitors who sign up (Sign-ups / Visitors) * 100
Referral Rate % of users who referred others (Referrals / Sign-ups) * 100
CTA Conversion Rate % of clicks on CTAs leading to sign-ups (CTA Clicks / Visitors) * 100
Bounce Rate % of visitors leaving without interacting (Bounces / Visitors) * 100

These metrics will give me a clear picture of whether the product’s value proposition resonates with the people who would actually pay for it.

Timeline for Validation

I'll validate the MVP over a 30-day period, aiming to achieve 250 visitors per week with 20-50 signups overall. This structured timeline ensures I gather enough data to make informed decisions about the product’s future. Here’s how I’m breaking it down:

Week Target Visitors Target Signups (Low) Target Signups (High)
1 250 5 13
2 500 10 25
3 750 15 38
4 1000 20 50

If I’m trending below these sign-up numbers, I’ll assess the product positioning and outreach strategies before building more features. If signups exceed 50, I’ll dive into the next phase of feature development with confidence, knowing I’m building for a validated need.

Next Steps: Feedback Loops and Iteration

Once I hit the target signups, I’ll begin opening the product up to the waitlist in small batches, ensuring that I collect detailed feedback. These users will help me refine core features before expanding further.


I had fun building this mvp and got to feel the power of AI in quickly building a PoC. This may not be production ready but it works and its deployed and I had fun doin it.