Tanner Byers

EDI Trail

EDI, startup, building, design

Building out EDI Trail

So if you haven't heard (and I know you haven't), I'm building a startup called EDI Trail that is an open source EDI Storage Platform. This is the first of many products I want to build to try and make more open source products that companies can use over the $1000's/year black box licensed software currently in use.


![Design Photo]


6-8 AM

Check Company Email
Create & Post Social Media content for the day
Checkout github open source issues & pull requests
Check on board for current tasks to implement


Setup company email
Setup sign up on website
Make photo bigger on landing page
Setup social media (tik tok)
Create github account for editrail
Create trello or github project board
Add link to my website for support (consulting)
Work on getting prototype working with file storage